Thursday, May 19, 2011

How should a Judge, Judge?

A judge should approach the law in a formalistic, mechanical way abstracted from human experience.


A judge should determine, at the moment of decision, whether our collective values on a given issue have converged to a degree that they can be persuasively crystallized and credibly absorbed into legal doctrine.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Clarence Thomas Wants A Fight

Clarence Thomas wants a fight about his lying to the American people. So let's give it to him.

Here are the facts. Thomas' wife earned $700,000 from half the radical right-wing ideologues in Washington. Opposing health care reform was her specialty.
For 13 years, Clarence Thomas didn't disclose a penny of that income, even though he was legally and ethically obligated.

Thomas is trying to conceal a blatant conflict of interest. His family is getting rich off an issue that's very likely to come before the Supreme Court.

So 250,000 of us demanded he recuse himself from cases about health care. We must have struck a nerve because Thomas went apoplectic, accusing you and me of "undermining" the Supreme Court because we dare question a single justice's impartiality.

This week was another big financial disclosure deadline -- and the beginning of the next round of our fight.

These financial forms are a matter of public record, typically made available within 30 days of the filing deadline. But when a Supreme Court justice has broken the public trust repeatedly for over a decade, we deserve to know right away what conflict he has.

Stand with me to force Clarence Thomas to release his disclosure ASAP. We need to know how big a conflict Thomas is bringing every day to our Supreme Court.

There's clearly something fishy going on when a U.S. Supreme Court justice claims his wife's income was "inadvertently omitted due to a misunderstanding of the filing instructions" -- especially when those instructions are, "Spouse's Non-Investment Income -- If you were married during any portion of the reporting year, complete this section."

Already there are questions about Mrs. Thomas' 2010 earnings at Liberty Central, a right-wing action group she founded in 2009. She claims she had no salary -- the COO of the organization says otherwise.
Clarence Thomas shouldn't hide the truth behind stalling tactics. Stand with me today and demand he publicly release his financial disclosure immediately.

Thanks again to the 250,000 people who are already standing with me to hold Clarence Thomas accountable. Our work has been a great success so far.

But Thomas is gearing up for a fight. And, as a guy from Brooklyn, there's no way I'm backing down. I need you in my corner one more time.

Anthony Weiner

Monday, May 16, 2011


Remember that Republican congressman who high-tailed it out of Washington after the shirtless photos he sent to women on Craigslist got splashed all over the Internet?

Well, the special election for his seat is just 8 days away and our Democratic candidate, Kathy Hochul, is down by just 1 point in her latest poll!

Republicans know it would be a disaster to lose this race in the single reddest district in all of New York -- even his Royal Highness Speaker John Boehner rushed up there to raise cash for more dishonest Republican attack ads.

With just 24 hours to go until our One Week Out Deadline, let's show we've got what it takes to fight this race to the finish.

Contribute $20 or more today to help us raise the $75,000 needed to fight back against Republican attacks.

I'm telling you -- the more folks in Western New York hear about the Republicans' support for that ludicrous budget to end Medicare, the more voters are flocking to support Kathy.

The Republicans' cynical plan to pay for tax breaks for the ultra rich by ending the Medicare support that our seniors rely on is far more shameful than a few racy photos. Let's make sure they don't get away with it.


James Carville

P.S. Back in 2009, Democrats won another special election in upstate New York by just 726 votes. This race is shaping up to be the same sort of nail-biter. Help us hit our $75,000 goal to help put Democratic candidate Kathy Hochul over the top.

Contribute today
