posted by MrJaymo 4/29/08
John McCain, Hillary Clinton...and after today's press conference, I'm sure, President Bush are about to run another game on the American people.
In a society where we save nothing, over consume on everything, lack curiosity about differing opinions and obtain our news by pundits and soundbite -- we're about to be sold another feel good solution that will do absolutely nothing to solve the problem at hand.
McCain and Clinton have proposed that in order to provide American's with some financial relief, the 18 cent per gallon Federal Gas Tax should be suspended during the upcoming "Summer Driving Season" (Memorial Day, 5/26 thru Labor Day, 9/8).
Now, I'm no economist and not a finance professor, but I did pay attention 1 or 2 days in math class when I was younger. I know that with a little addition, multiplication and a calendar that it's easy to figure out that if I fill my 18-gallon gas tank once per week for the 15 weeks of the so-called "Summer Driving Season", my savings amount to just under $49.00 ($48.60). So under the grand, McCain / Clinton plan, my dual-car, dual-income, dual-child family will pocket an extra $97.20 over 3-months if we fill up both cars once-a-week throughout the summer.
And I bet that Barack Obama has better, more accurate numbers than my "wild-assed" estimate. He's estimated that the average family will only save $30.00. He knows that the average person fills up more along the line of 2 times per month, not 4. Barack Obama also knows, I'm sure, that in 2008, the idea of a "Summer Driving Season" is a myth.
In years past, families took a 2 or 3 week summer vacation and drove to the Grand Canyon or drove to the beach or drove to Grandma's house. Who can afford to take 2-weeks anywhere anymore?! Hell, if you're worried about the price of milk, eggs and bread... or whether your home is going to be foreclosed on, what in the hell are you thinking about taking a road trip to Grandma's for?!
The McCain / Clinton Gas Tax proposal will do nothing to solve your fiscal problems. If you want to change your financial situation, you need to make fundamental changes in your own behavior. Get a second job! Sell your $500-a-month car payment and get a car you can afford (that's right, get rid of the 2008 Accord and find a 2002 Civic)! Buy a pound of hamburger and make some Hamburger Helper for $5.00 and the possibility of leftovers instead of taking the family to McDonald's for Quarter Pounders and Happy Meals for $15.00...(they're going to kill you anyway)!
The McCain / Clinton Gas Tax proposal will do nothing to solve our nation's issues. It is another case of the proverbial "sunshine up your behind".
The solution to our problems are drastic behavior change and personal responsibility. I'm so sick of the crap that McCain, Clinton and the media are shoveling, and this whole election process, that I'm almost of the mind that Barack Obama should hold on to his dignity and use his eloquence and stature to direct change from the private sector.
But, I'm not there yet. So in the meantime...
Vote for Barack Obama
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